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✅ Risk assessment E-Learning | International certificate | 90% Scholarship for all student .


  On the successful completion of the applicants will understand the main causes of accidents and ill health, and the implications they have for people in the workplace. They should be aware of the legal requirements for risk assessment and understand the principles of risk Assessment.

  Candidates who need to develop their knowledge and gain practice in risk assessment should be encouraged to continue their studies by completing certification in Risk Assessment Principles and Practice course.

Understand why risk assessments are necessary for maintaining and improving standards of health and safety at work

work including:

o                           ·         State the main causes of work-related fatalities, injuries and ill-health

·         Outline the moral, legal and economic reasons for preventing accidents and ill health at work

·         Define key terms associated with risk assessment in the context of health and safety at


work including:


o    Accident

o    Near miss

o    Accident triangle

o    Hazard

o    Risk

o    Risk assessment

o    Risk control hierarchy

o    Suitable and sufficient

o    Competence


·         Outline the role of risk assessment in an accident and ill-health prevention

Understand the principles of risk assessment

·                            ·   Outline the legal requirements for risk assessment

·   Describe a simple process for undertaking a risk assessment

·  Give examples of occupational, environmental and human factors that can affect the level of risk from hazards at work

·  Outline a method that can be used to priorities risks

· Outline the requirements for providing information about, and records on, the results of a risk assessment

Qualification Information

Designed for: Intended for supervisors, managers, team leads and heads of department

                        Fresher, Engineering students, Arts students. Industrial people.

 Course duration: 30min

 Assessment method: 10 Multiple Choice Question 













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